Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Assignment: Cannon Center

Our service project this past Monday was fairly simple: go to the Cougareat or Cannon Center, find someone sitting alone, and get to know them. Specifically, get to know their heart.
So I found myself wandering the Cannon Center looking for a lone diner. I walked up to a guy sitting alone and asked to sit with him. Being one of the friendly people that everyone is at BYU, he said of course.
The guy, Austin, is a junior here at BYU studying computer science. His advice: don't do computer science unless you really enjoy the numbers, details, and don't mind the possibility of having the code you create fail because you forget a single character. He became involved with computer science because his older brother is studying the same. He lives off campus in the __apartments and comes to the Cannon Center every now and then for the amazing food. I had to agree - the food there is quite delicious.
We talked about his mission in Ventura California. Although originally called for English-speaking, he was later switched to the Spanish-speaking mission. He told me of some of his experiences, as well as some of his pet peeves he discovered with some of his companions.
We talked about the amazing environment (and slight culture shock) of BYU. He came from a similar situation that I did - he was the only member at his high school where there was an incredibly diverse population. Here at BYU, nearly every person is a member, and everyone has agreed to live by the same standards that we have.
From the experience, I found a few things. First, it's fairly simple to just offer to eat a meal with someone. You get to know another person, practice conversational skills, and it makes the meal a whole lot less boring. Second, finding common ground is a lot easier than it seems. As we discussed various subjects, similarities kept popping up. Lastly, you can make someone's day just by talking to them for thirty minutes. As I was leaving, the guy expressed his thanks and mentioned that he would typically eat alone (which couldn't be all that fun, seeing as he got his money's worth for going to the Cannon Center (his words, not mine)). Walking out of the dining area, I felt amazing; knowing that I had made someone's day a little brighter can definitely bring the sunshine out on the rest of my day. Having helped another, I could actually feel the Spirit more strongly. Now, I want to seek out those having a bad day, or those just sitting alone every chance I can.
That is being a leader: finding the little ways to lift each son or daughter of God around you. They are your brothers and sisters. What have you got to lose?

Divine-Centered Leadership

The ultimate example of a perfect leader is our Savior, Jesus Christ. His life was full of love, teaching, and motivating others to do as He did. His life was dedicated to the service of others.
Why did Christ serve everyone He met? Christ tells us that He was doing the work of His Father. This work can be found in Moses 1:39: "For behold this is my work and my glory - to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Christ's motive for performing his service was to do all He could to bring us back to our Heavenly Father. He put the needs of those around Him before His own. He recognized that this was His duty as the Savior of the world. His Atonement was for us. Everything Christ did, He did because He wanted to help us, His brothers and sisters.
So why do I serve others? Often times, I serve knowing there will be some sort of prize or food at the end of the project. Sometimes I serve because someone else told me to do so. However, as I strive to become more like Christ, I must serve with His same purpose: to bring others closer to Christ and my Heavenly Father. I must serve because I want to, and because I recognize that it is my duty as a covenant member of His Church.
As a leader, I must put the needs of others before my own. In the booklet "Divine-Centered Leadership," Robert Millet states, "God's business is people. People are His most important product. It must be so with us." I need to constantly remember that each person I meet has the right to be treated as a divine being with a divine potential. Every person I see, talk to, or interact with is my brother or sister. I must treat them as such and get to know them as I know my own family members. To get to know each heart, a leader should spend time with the person. That's exactly what Christ did: He spent time among the people and came to know each of them personally. I must do the same.
In Mosiah 2:17, we are told that as we serve others we are also in the service of God. Think of the joy our Heavenly Father must feel when we help one another and lift each other up from the hard times of this life! He loves each of us and wants us to feel that love (or charity) towards each other. Love and service are inseparable; as we serve, our love for one another increases, and as we love our fellow brothers and sisters we have a greater willingness to serve.
If nothing else can inspire me to willingly serve others, then I think of the promise that service will bring a greater degree of happiness into my life.  In the lecture on Wednesday, we were taught that we should find a purpose of service in our future occupations; if I choose a profession where I can constantly serve others, I will be much happier. As I practice serving, the desire to serve more will come until I am daily seeking and praying for opportunities to help my brothers and sisters.
In closing, I'd like to share the scripture Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-3: "Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day. Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;" As I seek for the desire to serve those around me, Heavenly Father will bless me with a greater capacity to serve and will help me to develop a greater love for others.
That is being a leader: serving those around you because you want to. As you do this, you can feel an increase in the Spirit's power in your daily life, and you will have the incredible opportunity of bringing people closer to the Savior.