These are the basic ideals and principles that help to build strong leaders. Each week, a volunteer speaker comes to share their thoughts and experiences about a certain aspect of leadership. This is where I find most of these principles. So this is, essentially, my class notes. Very brief notes mind you, but I think these ideas are important to becoming better leaders in home, community, church, and society in general.
What is expected of me:
-believe ordinary leaders can become extraordinary, even in the day to day actions
-commit to learning the concepts
-push for improvement from everyone
-practice, don't play, at leadership
Decisions Determine Destiny. President Monson. Each choice a leader makes determines not only his or her own destiny, but may influence the destiny of those who follow the example of the leader. You are an example; exhibit confidence in yourself, express appreciation to those around you, and do those things that are expected of you. Follow the example of Christ and lead others to Him.
Seek after the lost sheep and spend time with them. Get to know each heart. To do this, you must spend time with each heart. We must place our priority on people; not on products or projects. When we serve others, we enable them to act as well. We must not delegate any task that we are not willing to do ourselves. A leader must BE what they preach. We must accept responsibility for accomplishing the Lord's will. To do His will, we must be living worthy of His Spirit.
Mormon Messages video: Have I Done Any Good?
How often have you intended to be the one to help? And yet how often does the business of day-to-day living get in the way? And we leave the task for others to help with.
The Lord is dependent on each of us. As members of His Church we have a mandate to serve each of our brothers and sisters.